Sunday, 12 November 2017

What Is So Fascinating About Xero Bookkeeping Firms?

They're alternatively caricatured as bean counters and sought after by everyone who has a tax return to file or money to spend. Love them or hate them, you just can't ignore chartered accountants.

Chartered accountancy is a career option that's only growing in stature, and it's evident in the rush of young people intent on joining the profession, because Chartered As today don't necessarily have to be independent. They also land top jobs in Fortune 500 companies, law firms and prestigious establishments across all sectors of the economy.

You can start working towards a career as a Chartered Accountant right after clearing your Class X Board exams. Register with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for the Common Proficiency Course (CPC), which will help you prepare for the Common Proficiency Test (CPT), the first step towards your dream of becoming a CA, which is held in June and in December for students who have cleared Class XII. The CPT, available in both pencil- and- paper and online versions, tests your basic knowledge in four subjects - Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude. And the best first step to preparations for the test is a visit to the ICAI website.

This year too, the test will follow the same pattern as it has in the past so many years. The competition is intense. You must have an aptitude for solving business problems, but that alone won't see you through. You'll have to answer all the model test papers and study the entire syllabus thoroughly and not just two or three chapters.

Complement the study material with standard text books and prepare notes covering all key points. How well you've understood the topics will determine how capably you answer questions. In the initial stages, use your model test papers to understand and absorb the study material, rather than assess whether you can answer within the prescribed time limit..

Join an ICAI test preparation centre at least three months before the test. Allocate time daily to the various units after gaining a broad understanding of the macro-level syllabus, answer the questions papers of the previous years and take the mock papers, and read the practice manuals thoroughly.

The more you practice, the more you'll be aware of your strengths and weaknesses for chartered accountancy. The exam is open to students of all streams, so we try to make it a level playing field. Student can enrol with our regional councils for preparations and we also have online oral coaching centres to help them.

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