Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Techno Bugs - Techno-Bugs Central

Owning a home or office or any other place is something we have all known would be in the pipe line for us .with the accomplishment of finally purchasing the property we want is exciting and we are bombarded with all the finalizing of contracts,banks, and everything in between and can easily miss the important little things like the plumbing certificates.The certificate issued by a professional company who are registered with the health and safety board would be ideal go to guys as their knowledge and skills are up to date with the laws and regulation that govern the plumbing. At Techno Bugs we are equipped with all the necessary tools and knowledge that is regularly updated and ever changing.
Neglecting to have Plumbing inspections can have consequences that are harsh leaving a whole in your pocket. There are often leaks that we cannot physically see and hear and it is those silent leaks that tend to creep up sometimes just out of the blue. These water leaks or leaks of any of your piping  usually gets detected by the water bill most often, if your water bill is unusually high then it is time perhaps for you to get the professionals out to do your plumbing inspections as the rout of the problem would be quickly nipped in the bud. It’s surprising how a much wastage of water can occur when there are leaks, and with the water crisis we are all facing at this time it becomes a obligation for property owners who have these leaks to get them fixed immediately as the damaging sustained is no longer personal as it concerns not just you now but the rest of the world as each drop of wasted water is the water people are dying because there is not enough of it. It’s a funny thing how the ripple effects works and how one small problem can become a large one even where plumbing is concerned. Apart from the erosion damage to the pipes or appliances due to water leaks increase the costs of your budget as mould or rust eats away at the problem.
Whether you are purchasing a property or selling a property you should request to see a certificate of the plumbing inspection carried out by a professional and reliable company like Techno bugs to eliminate the chances of being stuck with the bill that could come from neglecting to have plumbing inspections carried out especially on old buildings. Plumbing is something that has a life expectancy of 30years whereby after this period the plumbing of should be redone.
For more information please visit www.technobugs.co.za

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