Monday, 27 February 2017

White Widow Marijuana Strain

White widow is considered to be among the best hybrid weed seeds. This is quite popular in most parts of the world, especially American countries. The white widow strain produces a captivating effect on the entire body, and the buds are smothered by white trichomes. The initial feeling is the sugary and sweet smoke that will cover your throat. This starts lightly and gradually expands to a heavy smoke effect.

The Soft and Sweet Appearance

You should not take White widow lightly due to the soft and sweet appearance. After smoking the weed, you easily get stoned. However, this will mainly depend on your tolerance level, how it has been grown, how you smoke it, how you ingest it and the cut of the strain that you have, among other factors. If you are not vaporizing the weed, you should be ready to cough. Ideally, the effects of white widow are far-reaching and quite versatile.

The Effect of White Widow

As indicated earlier, this is a hybrid marihuana strain that is made up of a number of essential components. In most cases, it is considered to be a full-bodied medication with 60% sativa / 40% Indica.  Sativa refers to the mind while Indica refers to the body. As such, it has become quite popular among patients with migraines, chronic aches, pains, PTSD and anxiety among others. White widow has a whole range of medicinal benefits to offer, and this has made it become a universal marijuana strain.

Properties of White Widow Marijuana

Generally, this strain is not flavored but has a very clean overall smoke. As such, you can do big puffs without suffering from any form of irritation. Once you are done, it burns to white ash. As for the scent, it produces a fruit or peppery scent, and this is what will be left in the air, after smoking this hybrid strain. You will also have some sweet and sugary aftertaste in your mouth when you are done smoking this marijuana strain.

Functional Strain
Most people who have used the white widow strain confirm that it offers an energetic buzz. Whatever mood that you are in, it tends to enhance it. For instance, even when you are in a bad mood, with this strain, it will be heightened. It is, therefore, advisable to consider your current state of mind before taking this strain. Generally, it has great effects on the mind, and this makes it a functional strain. It will boost the confidence levels and can help improve productivity when medicated in the right manner.

With all sorts of marijuana strains on the market, if you are looking for a classic strain, then you should consider white widow. This ranks highly among the classical medical marijuana strains on the market.

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